无限花园 The Infinity Garden

发布日期:2021-04-22 查看次数: 202 编辑:


The Infinity Garden

paper to petal (纸上花) 花园设计公司   

Paper to Petal Garden Design Firm


无限花园连接两个启示符号–无限和定时器。通过将这两个符号连接在设计的身体和灵魂中,花园突出了两者之间的相互关系。 空间邀请参观者反思微妙的 我们人类需要掌握的平衡行为,使我们与周围环境更加和谐地生活。保护地球的时间已经不多了,但我们对环境的热爱往往是无限的。将延庆的群山带入城市,无限花园颂扬大自然的美丽,并作为一个力量提醒我们必须失去的一切。沉浸式设计,无限花园拥抱你,并邀请你坐下来或慢慢地,安静地漫步。因为当我们真正静止和平静时,我们可以欣赏我们所拥有的一切。通过协调自然和暂停时间,事情可能会开始变得更好,这样我们就可以在未来的许多年里幸福地生活在联合中。

The Infinity Garden links two relevant symbols – infinity and the timer. By connecting these two symbols within the body and soul of the design, the garden is highlighting the interrelation between the two. The space invites visitors to reflect upon the delicate balancing act we humans need to master for us to live more in harmony with our surroundings. Time is running out to protect our planet, yet our love for our environment is often limitless. Bringing the mountains of Yanqing to the city, The Infinity Garden celebrates the beauty of nature and acts as a power reminder of all that we have to lose. An immersive design, the Infinity Garden embraces you, and invites you to sit or wander slowly and quietly. For it is when we are truly still and at peace, we can appreciate all that we have. By harmonising nature and pausing time, it is possible things can begin to change for the better so we can live happily in union for many years to come.


戴安 桑姆威斯

Paper to Petal花园设计公司的创始人,多年来一直从事花园景观设计,作为一名合格的花园设计师,知道如何找到与自然的联系,帮助花园主人找到通往幸福的自然之道,提高他们的花园生活质量。她的设计经验能激励每一名热爱花园的人,无论是业余爱好者还是专业人士。


Diane Samways

2017 | Diploma in Garden Design
Pass, Pickard School of Garden Design (Dip. PSGD)
2010 | BA (Hons) Visual Communication
First Class Honours, Birmingham City University 2021 | Pre-registered Member of the Society of Garden
2021 | RHS Qualification in Pratical Horticultural (Current)
2021 | Active Member of the Japanese Garden Society

Diane Samways has been working as a garden designer for long time. As a qualified designer, her process is suitable for those that want some new ideas, and for those who simply would like a deeper connection with their garden.

Step by step I embark on a journey with my clients, translating their memories and emotions, and sowing them back into their garden”


Paper to Petal (纸上花) 花园设计公司提倡富有创意和创新的设计方法,环保低能耗,从而使施工落地的花园在未来的几年里看起来,景观好,植物自然生长,状态非常棒。公司的理念是为客户的花园注入新的生命而变得“自然”,不受限制地共处,同时成为伴随客户一生的花园。

Paper to Petal is a creative and innovative approach to garden design that doesn’t cost the earth, resulting in outdoor spaces that look and feel great for years to come. I help my clients become ‘unstuck’ by breathing a new lease of life into their garden, and designing them a garden they can treasure for years to come.


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